Got to lose some weight before I Die.....


Well-known member
Here it is guys.  I am always tired, hurting and overall just miserable.  I have had a few stints of depression.  I think it all points at my unhealthy addiction to Red Bull, and processed foods.  I don't eat much fast food at all, I eat 3-4 meals a day.  And I drink way to much Dr pepper and red bull. 

I have no idea what to do to break the cycle, but I do know I am ready. 

Any ideas? 
Hendrix date=1401844720 said:
Here it is guys.  I am always tired, hurting and overall just miserable.   I have had a few stints of depression.   I think it all points at my unhealthy addiction to Red Bull, and processed foods.  I don't eat much fast food at all, I eat 3-4 meals a day.  And I drink way to much Dr pepper and red bull.  

I have no idea what to do to break the cycle, but I do know I am ready.  

Any ideas?

Your going to think I am nuts , but I would tell you try juicing for a week . It helped me a lot in working towards getting healthier .
Hendrix date=1401844720 said:
Here it is guys.  I am always tired, hurting and overall just miserable.   I have had a few stints of depression.   I think it all points at my unhealthy addiction to Red Bull, and processed foods.  I don't eat much fast food at all, I eat 3-4 meals a day.  And I drink way to much Dr pepper and red bull.  

I have no idea what to do to break the cycle, but I do know I am ready.  

Any ideas?

The biggest trick to breaking a cycle is just that; actually doing it when you're ready to make a change.  I tried to quit smoking a couple of times before I succeeded because I wasn't really ready to do so...but once I truly decided that I wanted to feel better I made changes, stuck to them, and accomplished my goal.  Moreover, I recently decided to do what you're doing: I didn't feel "well" so I cut back on the Dr. Pepper and sammiches.  It's not easy to do - habits can be hard to break - but what's worked best for me is to make changes from two directions at once: I've cut back on the soft drinks and processed stuff, but I've also tried to reduce the necessity for them.  I take a bit more time to eat well - I get up in time to make breakfast, I pack a healthy lunch, and I eat good snacks during the day - and I make sure that I get lots of quality sleep; I also try to get some healthy exercise in every day.  I've been at it for a month or two and I feel good...and feelin' good is good enough to keep me going.  If I can do it, and if Beasley can do it - and you KNOW how slack he and I can be - then I know you can do it, as well.  👍
Cuder date=1401846803 said:
Greg, Would drinking V8's be the same thing as juicing?

No it wont fill you up , but they are a good drink . When you juice you get all the nutrients and good stuff and none of the pulp .
Sundowner date=1401846966 said:
The biggest trick to breaking a cycle is just that; actually doing it when you're ready to make a change.  I tried to quit smoking a couple of times before I succeeded because I wasn't really ready to do so...but once I truly decided that I wanted to feel better I made changes, stuck to them, and accomplished my goal.  Moreover, I recently decided to do what you're doing: I didn't feel "well" so I cut back on the Dr. Pepper and sammiches.  It's not easy to do - habits can be hard to break - but what's worked best for me is to make changes from two directions at once: I've cut back on the soft drinks and processed stuff, but I've also tried to reduce the necessity for them.  I take a bit more time to eat well - I get up in time to make breakfast, I pack a healthy lunch, and I eat good snacks during the day - and I make sure that I get lots of quality sleep; I also try to get some healthy exercise in every day.  I've been at it for a month or two and I feel good...and feelin' good is good enough to keep me going.  If I can do it, and if Beasley can do it - and you KNOW how slack he and I can be - then I know you can do it, as well.  👍
This is dead on , you have to make up your mind that your going to do it . And I was slack for years with what I ate , but no more.
I couldn't agree more. I smoked for ten years, tried to quit probably ten or twelve times, and did for a month or so a couple, but it wasn't until I really WANTED to that I was able to. Been over a year now, and I still haven't broken down, but I will admit I still crave them.  The human mind is more powerful than anything else you can use for habit braking.  👍
Hendrix date=1401853236 said:
It's as addicting as Alcohol.  I relapsed after 2 weeks.

Try Advocare Spark to replace the redbulls. I used it to replace my 4-5 cups of morning coffee & my wife used it to replace her morning Coke addiction (Coca Cola not the nose candy kind  😛 ).

I have the same trouble with portion size. I KNOW I need to eat less, but the food is just so damn good I have to eat it!!
Sundowner date=1401846966 said:
The biggest trick to breaking a cycle is just that; actually doing it when you're ready to make a change.  I tried to quit smoking a couple of times before I succeeded because I wasn't really ready to do so...but once I truly decided that I wanted to feel better I made changes, stuck to them, and accomplished my goal.  Moreover, I recently decided to do what you're doing: I didn't feel "well" so I cut back on the Dr. Pepper and sammiches.  It's not easy to do - habits can be hard to break - but what's worked best for me is to make changes from two directions at once: I've cut back on the soft drinks and processed stuff, but I've also tried to reduce the necessity for them.  I take a bit more time to eat well - I get up in time to make breakfast, I pack a healthy lunch, and I eat good snacks during the day - and I make sure that I get lots of quality sleep; I also try to get some healthy exercise in every day.  I've been at it for a month or two and I feel good...and feelin' good is good enough to keep me going.  If I can do it, and if Beasley can do it - and you KNOW how slack he and I can be - then I know you can do it, as well.  👍
This is pretty great advise. It sounds weird, but quit. Only you can do it and you will only do it when your ready. I never have been super over weight but I was inspired by GBs juicing story about 6 weeks ago and added exercising back into my life as well as a huge diet change and less cokes (soft drinks) and almost no eating out (maybe twice a week). Don't let yourself use the lazy excuse of its easier because it ain't in the long run. And sleep, good sleep is much more important than most think when trying to be healthy. It doesn't mean laying in bed all Saturday, just a good 7+ hours and then getting up and starting your day. Also I added a healthy breakfast almost daily (really hard to do sometimes) which starts your metabolism early.  It will take 3-4 weeks to change your current habits but then you will realize you feel better and it becomes easier.
7 Slot Customs date=1401877205 said:
Try Advocare Spark to replace the redbulls. I used it to replace my 4-5 cups of morning coffee & my wife used it to replace her morning Coke addiction (Coca Cola not the nose candy kind  😛 ).

I have the same trouble with portion size. I KNOW I need to eat less, but the food is just so damn good I have to eat it!!^ 
^ This, My wife and I have been using Advocare products for a couple of years now. If you really want to make a huge change you can start with the 24 day challenge. That's what we did to get started, It's a 10 day herbal cleanse and 14 day Metabolic kickstart. I'm not a big guy but I lost 14 pounds the first challenge we did. But more than the weight loss I got inches off my waist. I can send you a .pdf of the cookbook we used too if you are interested
How ever hard it is quit the redbulls if they give you health problems. I used to love my beer at the amount of a case a day from my 15 th till my 27th been 28 years sober now. stopped cold turkey, wasn't easy. Love soda drink maybe 5-8 cans a year anymore.
Pack a lunch to work and eat it. Home cooked dinners at a reasonable size and the weight will take care of it self over time.
You have no reason what so evcer to be depressed Johnny. Ya got a good job,loving wife and a roof over your head and a great set of skills to boot. Man you got it made
Hey bud-

I've seen, studied, lived, taught, and trained a good bit in the fitness world. I don't know much, but I'd offer to say- If you are not willing to start right away, everything I have to say is worthless. If you can't start until Saturday, or Monday, etc, then please ignore everything below.

7 days dude, here's a one week challenge. Even the least motivated people I know could make it one week. 

Cut down to one Red Bull a day. Hit it at like 1:00 or 2:00pm. It's early enough so that you don't "suffer" all day without it, it's late enough that you can still get home and get to dinner and get your mind off of it. Are you mentally strong enough to just have one a day?

Spend 15 minutes before you go to work exercizing. 20 minutes would be better, but ANYONE can manage 15 minutes. Don't have time? Of course not, no one does. KISS- Keep it simple. Today you didn't have time, simple, get up 15 minutes earlier tomorrow. Sounds simple to me. 15 minutes earlier. How many excuses can you come up with not to do it? I've used every excuse and heard every excuse. It's 15 minutes. Push ups for 5 minutes, crunches for 5 minutes, body weight squats for 5 minutes, jump rope for 5 minutes, jumping jacks for 5 minutes. Pick 3 of those, it will super charge your metabolism and brain activity to start the day.

Kill the processed foods as best you can. Count your sodium, every day, for one week. Keep it under 2000mg of sodium per day. How's that for a diet? Eat anything you want, just keep it under 2000mg for the day. You'd be shocked how much junk you can eat and still stay under 2000mg. Hit 2000mg  early? F'n water and grape juice for dinner bro. Gotta keep up with the math.

Spend 30 minutes RIGHT after work exercizing. This will be the hardest, but you have to do it. The one week plan is a failure if you can't do 7 days in a row. I don't care what you do for 30 minutes- jog for 10 minutes, do curls for 5 minutes, do more push ups, do some planks. 30 minutes, immediately after work.

There's a million plans out there, the above is the easiest you can do. If you can't do the the easiest plan, then you have to ask yourself- do you really want to make a change? Nah whut I'm say'n? 

1 red bull a day
15 minute exercize before work
2000mg sodium a day
30 minutes after work.

This is not a la carte, that challenge would have to be followed to the letter.

Or what ev's. Just a suggestion.
REDLYNER date=1401937346 said:
Spend 15 minutes before you go to work exercizing. 20 minutes would be better, but ANYONE can manage 15 minutes. Don't have time? Of course not, no one does. KISS- Keep it simple. Today you didn't have time, simple, get up 15 minutes earlier tomorrow. Sounds simple to me. 15 minutes earlier. How many excuses can you come up with not to do it? I've used every excuse and heard every excuse. It's 15 minutes. Push ups for 5 minutes, crunches for 5 minutes, body weight squats for 5 minutes, jump rope for 5 minutes, jumping jacks for 5 minutes. Pick 3 of those, it will super charge your metabolism and brain activity to start the day.
All of your post was solid , but I quoted the above as it has made the biggest difference for me so far . Exercising with a mild diet change has worked for me and it will work for you John .
I do a meal replacement (usually breakfast) with a fruit smoothie which is fresh fruit, some low fat vanilla yogurt, flax seed oil and skim milk. It keeps me content for about four hours.  I will do a salad with grilled chicken, turkey or fish mid day and something sensible for dinner.  I've been at this with mild exercise for about a week and a half and have dropped 10 pounds so far. But like Dave said, I feel better.