Memes thread?

For real; did you know the Navy owned a forest down on some island in GA where they would source the wood for the old wooden ships.
They'd cut out full size patterns for the parts/shapes they needed and find a tree/branch that best matched it. The natural shape of the tree was utilized as much as possible, making the ship stronger. It's how the front of a ship got the name 'Bow'. They used a Bow from a tree. "When the bow breaks".
Britain, later, planted a forest just for this, but wooden ships were obsolete before they could use it.

“From the present appearance of affairs, I believe it is time this country was possessed of a Navy…. (Frigates) I suppose will be the first object…. As Such Ships will cost a large sum of money they should be built of the best materials that could possibly be procured… the lower Futtocks (frames) & Knees if possible of Live Oak…”Joshua Humphreys to Robert Morris, 6 January 1793. Joshua Humphreys Papers, Coll. #306, Vol. 1, 1793-1797, Historical Society of Pennsylvania

I just found out they still maintain a White Oak Forest in Indiana: "Constitution Grove,". Growing replacement parts for the U.S.S Constitution.

...little useless information for ya, there. I got more. I'm just waiting on you to trigger it.
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